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9 Mar 2016

MALOA & Green Scenery (Sierra Leone)

MALOA Position on the court judgement and the Malen land issue

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MALOA’s position on the court case and sentence: We continue to maintain our innocence in the matter that was brought to the courts by Socfin...While the sentence is viewed as moderate the fines are extremely too high for us who are out of work because we have lost our livelihoods. We believe this was a tactic to get us into prison so that we cannot raise our voice on the unacceptable land deals in Malen Chiefdom...The land issue remains to be crucial to MALOA because as we speak more land has been ascribed by SOCFIN...MALOA continues to say that transparency is lacking in the process, subtle coercion, and sometimes use of brute force on land owning families to give up their [pieces] of land to SOCFIN is clear and as long as this is what transpired ‘everything’ will not be okay in Malen chiefdom...We will continue to also seek appropriate redress by exploring international mechanisms. 


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