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Company Response

23 Giu 2023

Mitsubishi Corporation's response

[ Japanese-to-English translation: Business & Human Rights Resource Centre ]

June 23, 2023

  • We believe that respect for human rights is an important element in developing various businesses around the world under our materiality of “respect for human rights in business development and have included respect for human rights in Mitsubishi Corporation Code of Conduct, Corporate Standards of Conduct, and Social Charter. We also support international norms such as the International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenants on Human Rights), the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the International Labour Organization Core Labour Standards, and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights.
  • In addition, we believe that it is important to identify and analyze negative impacts on human rights and the environment in our business, avoid and mitigate them, and fulfill our responsibilities.
  • For more information, please visit our Sustainability website.
  • For business reasons, we are unable to provide details on individual projects.

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