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20 Lug 2023

Solidarity of Trade Union Myanmar (STUM)

Myanmar: Garment worker dismissed for not working overnight due to exhaustion

See all tags Allegations

…An employee of HONG MIAO Garment Co…was fired illegally.

On July 15th, 2023, he was forced to [work overtime] all night and [had to] work until 12:00 p.m. The worker who was fired had pain all over his body and was unable to work at all, so he rested at the designated rest area.

All super[visors] encouraged him to continue working, but [because] the worker [had] to work all night continuously [since 10 July],…he was too tired to continue working.

[Because] he didn't [work] until dawn…he was fired by the HR manager when he went [back] to work on Monday.

When asked why he was fired, he commented that he was fired because he found a water bottle with [betel nut] spit under the ironing board.

As a reason to fire a worker, [they are] just [using] the betel nut as an alibi.

Calling [for overtime] all night [is] against the law and forcing the workers to [work and] put unfair pressure on them is [Forced labour]. It does not meet the standards of the ILO.

I would like to inform the public about the fact that the factory…has not taken any effective action…

[Translation via Google Translate]

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