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21 Set 2022

Myanmar Labour News

Myanmar: Garment workers reportedly unable to report labour rights violations at factory & forced to deny allegations during inspections

See all tags Allegations

"No matter where you want to complain, there is no office in Myanmar that can solve it at this time," said the work supervisors of the Myanmar Lucky Garment factory.", 21 September 2022

According to the Solidarity of Trade Unions Myanmar, workers from the Myanmar Lucky Garment factory have come to complain that they are violating the rights of factory workers and saying that "there is no office in Myanmar to resolve the matter even if you want to complain."

The Myanmar Lucky Garment factory, which was opened in Shwe Pytha Industrial Zone 3, is a factory that used to sew the well-known international brand ZARA, and is currently sewing other brands as well, according to factory workers who came to complain.

Garment workers were eliminated from the machine line and separated from other lines. He said that they are violating the rights that workers should have, such as not giving them a gate pass if they want to go out and asking for an increase in [targets]...

[A worker] said that he [was] asked to meet an] increase in the [targets] more than once, and if he cannot make the record, he will be asked to work overtime without pay.

If the relevant department of labor enters the inspection, It is also said that the line super[visors] have taught the workers to call the office for a meeting and say "everything is fine" and that the workers have to tell the relevant supervisors who come to check on them.