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27 Nov 2023

Myanmar: Korean private equity firm to sell shares in Japanese jeweller Tasaki, an alleged Myanmar military partner; incl. company response

It was reported MBK Partners, a private equity firm based in South Korea, will sell its US$500 million of shares in Japanese jeweler Tasaki, which is allegedly cultivating pearls in partnership with the Myanmar military-controlled Myanmar Pearl Enterprise (MPE). Tasaki’s relationship with MPE has received international restrictions and criticism from rights and advocacy groups. 

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre approached MBK Partners, Tasaki, and Myanmar Pearl Enterprise for a response. MBK Partners responded: " [...] Tasaki’s subsidiary in Myanmar has a long-standing production license granted by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation under a PSC regime, which does not require any payment to the MPE." Full response available. Tasaki and MPE did not respond.

Company Responses

MBK Partners View Response

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Myanmar Pearl Enterprise

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