Myanmar: GTIG Huasheng (Myanmar) garment factory allegedly working 'hand-in-hand' with yellow union, violating ILO convention on freedom of association
Date Reported: 23 Giu 2022
Location: Birmania
GTIG Huasheng (Myanmar) - Supplier , PEP&CO - Buyer , Primark (part of Associated British Foods) - Former buyerAffected
Total individuals affected: 1555
Workers: ( 1555 - Location unknown , Clothing & textile , Gender not reported )Issues
Mandatory overtime , Freedom of Association , Wage TheftResponse
Response sought: Yes, by BHRRC
Story containing response: (Find out more)
Action taken: GTIG Huasheng (Myanmar) allegedly supplies to Pep&Co and supplied Primark; Pep&Co and Primark provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre. In November 2022, Primark stated it no longer sources from the factory, and Pep&Co stated it would cease operations with the factory after its final order was completed.
Source type: News outlet
“Chinese-owned GTIG Huasheng garment factory violates workers' rights”, 23 June 2022
Labor activists say the…GTIG Huasheng (Myanmar) garment factory…is in clear violation of Article 87 of the ILO Convention.
According to Article 87 of the ILO Convention, the right to freedom of association must be observed. However, the factory is not compliant and is working hand in hand with a yellow union formed by its employer to accept well-known brands.
A union leader said: “The factory is making clothes under the PEP & CO and Primark brands…The factory did not oppose the formation of a union…Employers do not have the right to form a union or to destroy it," he told the DVB.
In addition, the factory forced workers to work overtime, did not pay full overtime pay, and was subject to fraud.
[Translation via Google Translate]