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7 Ott 2018

Myanmar: Swedwatch raises concerns that machinery companies may be aggravating abuses in jade mines

In 2018, Swedwatch's report, "Overlooked and Undermined: Communities affected by jade mining operations in Myanmar, and the responsibilities of companies providing machinery,"  concludes, among others, that companies providing machinery were not "able to demonstrate adequate efforts to identify, mitigate or prevent risks associated with the use of its equipment, specifically as regard to adverse impacts on human rights and the environment in the nations mining areas.” Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Volvo, Komatsu, and Caterpillar to respond. Volvo's response is linked below. Komatsu and Caterpillar did not respond.

As a follow-up to that report, Swedwatch recently published "Still Overlooked: Communities affected by jade mining operations in Myanmar, and the responsibilities of companies providing machinery" 
(2020). Business & Human Rights Resource Centre again invited Volvo, Komatsu, and Caterpillar to respond. Komatsu and Caterpillar again did not respond and Volvo's response is linked below. 

Company Responses

Volvo Group View Response

No Response


No Response


No Response


No Response

Volvo Group View Response

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