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Part of the following timelines

Myanmar: Tai Hong garment workers report labour rights violations incl. pregnant workers denied medical leave; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers reportedly forced to work overnight & face unsanitary conditions; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers report multiple rights abuses at factory incl. child labour & denial of leave; incl. co. response

Myanmar: Workers' rights violated at Wonderful Apparel factory; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers report labour rights abuses incl. health hazards & excessive production targets; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers report abuses at factory incl. confiscation of mobile phones & excessive targets; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Workers at garment factory report multiple violations at Synergy Garment factory; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers file lawsuit over factory transfer without workers' consent; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers pressured to meet excessive production targets with fewer workers; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment factory allegedly forming yellow union; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers report several rights abuses at alleged New Yorker supplier; incl. co. response

Myanmar: Garment workers reportedly denied factory clinic access & sufficient drinking water at factory; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers report health & wellbeing concerns at factory; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers denied toilet breaks & water to meet excessive production targets; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers denied overtime pay & bonuses; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Workers at Tai Hong garment factory report multiple abuses; incl. co. responses