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7 Gen 2015

Ben Ezeamalu, Premium Times (Nigeria)

Nigeria: Shell's N15 Billion Settlement to Ogoni Community "Inadequate"

…Shell's agreement to pay £55 million…to…fishermen in…Ogoniland is not commensurate with the disaster…on the area…[t]he Health of Mother Earth Foundation, HOMEF, said…"When compared to what polluting oil companies pay elsewhere for their ecological crimes, HOMEF sees the compensation…as inadequate for the severity of damage done"…Shell's Managing Director said…"We've always wanted to compensate the community fairly and we are pleased to have reached agreement…" Shell also said it would begin clean up of the sites immediately. HOMEF, however, welcomed Shell's agreement to pay the penalty noting that it was a confirmation of their guilt…"Since the oil companies do not respect fines imposed on them by Nigerian regulatory agencies…this decision should encourage other communities to bring up cases against Shell and other oil companies operating in the Nigeria…and other countries," said…a member of the international Advisory Board of HOMEF…"A safe environment is a foundational basis for human survival," the group said...

Part of the following timelines

Shell pays £55 million out of court settlement to Nigerian Bodo community over oil spills

Shell lawsuit (re oil spills & Bodo community in Nigeria)