Global Witness and…[other NGO’s] lodged a legal complaint before the Public Prosecutor at the Court of Nantes (France) against…DLH France, part of the Dalhoff, Larsen and Horneman Group (DLH)...The complainants have evidence that from 2001-2003, DLH purchased…wood originating from Liberian timber companies that directly benefited Charles Taylor’s…regime…[T]he companies DLH purchased from were named in numerous UN reports as committing gross human rights violations, breaching UN arms sanctions, and engaging in environmental destruction and corruption...The parties to the complaint believe that DLH deliberately attempted to conceal the origin of the timber, mislead the public and divert public scrutiny of its Liberian purchasing and importation practices in order to make profits....The logging companies included: Oriental Timber Company (OTC), Natura, Maryland Wood Processing Industries (MWPI), Inland Logging Company (ILC), Royal Timber Company (RTC), and the Mohammed Group of Companies (MGC)…and the Liberian Forestry Development Company (LFDC)...