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29 Apr 2014

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

[PDF] Private Military & Security Companies and their impacts on human rights: Recent developments

In relation to reported negative human rights impacts by PMSCs, some continue to occur in areas of conflict or weak governance such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia, but we have seen a rising of reports alleging abuses in other regions, especially in South America...[I]n Brazil the security firm Gaspem was allegedly involved in violence against indigenous people, and in Honduras security firms were reportedly involved in the alleged killing, kidnapping and forced evictions of farmers. It is concerning to see various reports of abuses by PSMCs that provide detention centres services, mainly catering to immigrants or asylum seekers: In Papua New Guinea, G4S allegedly used excessive force in suppressing a riot at an immigration detention centre; in the UK, Serco guards were investigated after allegations of inappropriate sexual behaviour at an immigration removal centre. Recent reports restate concerns about the UN use of PMSCs’ allegedly involved in abuses...Developments on PMSCs’ legal accountability happened not just through lawsuits, but also via non-judicial mechanisms, such as the OECD complaints system...[A]complaint was submitted to the OECD National Contact Point in Spain to investigate alleged abuses of freedom of association by Prosegur in South America. [refers to Orion, InfraVest, Hi Tan Security, Askar Security, Delta Protection, UPS, KBR, Aircelle, Olive Group]

Part of the following timelines

Blackwater USA lawsuit (re 16 Sep 2007 Baghdad incident)

KBR lawsuits (re alleged rapes in Iraq)