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Company Response

29 Mag 2014


[PDF] Response from Dinant

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…I strongly object to the assumption…that the World Bank undertook a thorough audit and concluded that Dinant was responsible or linked to killings related to the land conflict in the Bajo Aguán. Dinant strongly takes issue with many of the unfounded assertions made in the the CAO report…referred to in your article as the Bank´s own findings…[Regarding] Dinant´s provision of accommodation facilities for the Xatruch Joint Military Task Force…I can assure you this was done with the best intentions…We are in the process of signing all necessary documents in order to ensure full transparency of the process…I invite you to visit out African Palm plantations in the Bajo Aguán region to see…the extensive resources that Dinant is investing in community engagement, and environmental and social management.

Part of the following timelines

Honduras: Dinant, linked to death squads, addresses World Bank Panel

Oxfam report reveals human rights abuses linked with Intl. Finance Corporation lending

Informe destaca el "costo humano" de proyectos financiados por la Corporación Financiera Internacional en Camboya, Guatemala, India, Honduras y Laos