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29 Set 2022

Qatar 2022: Security surrounding England hotel report working without holiday, recruitment fees & unable to change jobs under threat from employer; the FA & Minor Intl. respond


FIFA Qatar World Cup countdown clock, Doha

In September 2022, with less than two weeks until the Qatar World Cup, the Guardian reported on working conditions for security guards in the area surrounding the Tivoli Souq Al Wakra – the hotel booked to host the England Team. Workers reported working long shifts under fear of salary cuts if they requested holiday, having paid high recruitment fees and being told by their employer they were unable to change jobs.

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre approached the England FA and Minor International, Tivoli’s parent company, to invite them to respond to the investigation. The responses from the FA and Minor International can be read in full below.

Company Responses

The Football Association (England) View Response
Minor International View Response

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