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27 Set 2016

Riham Sheble, Doha News (Qatar)

Qatar: Nepali worker sues Staff Source International for unfair dismissal due to pregnancy, company maintains stance

See all tags Allegations

"Expat sues Qatar employer after she was fired for being pregnant", 15 Sep 2016

A..woman who lost her job in Qatar after becoming pregnant is taking her former boss to court for unfair dismissal. Srijana Shrestha worked in an online marketing role at recruitment firm Staff Source International, an affiliate of Qatar Maid Service...[she] was fired after telling her employer. Company COO Narkaji Gurung said that her residence permit, acquired through the company, was not a “married visa.” He added that her dismissal was standard practice for women hired on these terms at his company: “She was doing ok, she got on very well, and then unfortunately she got pregnant...We have more than 300 Filipino and Nepalese women working here as cleaners for us, and whoever gets pregnant, they go.” Stipulating that a female employee not get married or pregnant is flagrant opposition...[of] the labor law...[I]t violates article 35 of the constitution of Qatar, “which declares everyone equal before the law,” along with article 93, which enshrines equality between female and male employees in the workplace.