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NGO Rejoinder

6 Feb 2024

By Fairwork

Rejoinder from Fairwork to cos. responses re- India digital platforms report

Fairwork evaluates working conditions on digital labour platforms and evaluates them based on five Principles of Fairwork. The Principles were developed through an extensive literature review of published research on job quality, years of research with platform workers and online freelancers, and consultations with a diverse range of stakeholders, including workers, platforms, trade unions, and labour activists…

The project gathers evidence through three methodologies: desk research, worker interviews and surveys, and interviews with platform management. Each of our five Principles is divided into two thresholds. The thresholds specify the evidence required for a platform to receive a point. The second point under each Principle can only be awarded if the first point for that Principle has been awarded…

The Fairwork India ratings for 2023 have followed this standardised methodology to evaluate 12 platform companies. Fairwork supports the initiatives that platform companies, including Zomato and Amazon Flex, have taken so far to support platform workers. Fairwork has also provided advice, when possible, on how these companies can improve their practices and, as a result, their Fairwork rating. We hope to see companies in India continue taking steps to meet all the criteria outlined in the Fairwork Principles.

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