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NGO Rejoinder

24 Ott 2017

Adri Nieuwhof, Electronic Intifada

Rejoinder via The Electronic Intifada

HeidelbergCement has responded to my recent article on The Electronic Intifada about its illegal plunder of Palestinian resources…in the occupied West Bank. The German company’s response came at the invitation of the London-based Business and Human Rights Resource Centre…HeidelbergCement offers only transparent excuses and fails to address its role in the denial of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination. The company’s response reveals a “complete lack of appreciation” for the basic principles underpinning key pieces of international law, the Hague Conventions and the Fourth Geneva Convention, a spokesperson for the human rights group Al-Haq told The Electronic Intifada.

HeidelbergCement claims that its activities at Nahal Raba quarry are carried out under the Jordanian planning law (Law Number 79 of 1966)…prior to the Israeli occupation…The company overlooks Israel’s Military Order 418 of 1971 which purports to amend the Jordanian law. The order removed Palestinian participation in the planning process. All power was handed to Israel through a higher planning council appointed by the Israeli military commander.

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