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Company Response

27 Ott 2020

Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer's response to the 2020 Law Firm Climate Change Scorecard

At Freshfields, sustainability is a core pillar to the way we conduct our internal operations and client advisory work as a responsible business. The issues of climate change and long-term sustainability are at the forefront of our own internal agenda and that of our clients. Our firm was the first to appoint a partner to lead our global client advisory practice on sustainability issues. We are accountable for the services we provide and committed to supporting clients in their efforts to transition towards a more sustainable future.

Freshfields is in a unique position to advise our clients on the most effective ways to help create long-term business and societal prosperity by identifying their specific opportunities to nurture and advance the health of our environment and the rights of all persons. We measure progress against this worthy commitment by considering the role that all of our clients, both energy producers and users, play in positively influencing and furthering the energy transition at scale. Freshfields takes this into consideration when we advise clients on the best ways to collaborate with employees, suppliers, investors and communities to manage risk and discover the essential path toward achieving a sustainable and prosperous future.

For more information about our approach and commitment, we invite you to review our focus areas and examples of our work here.

You may also be interested in the New York Circular City initiative, convened by Freshfields. The New York Circular City Initiative brings together representatives from the mayor’s office, city agencies, multinational corporations, foundations and academic institutions to reimagine New York’s economic systems by proposing sustainable solutions that transcend industry sectors and the public/private divide in the long term while supporting COVID-19 recovery efforts in the short term.

Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer US LLP, 27 October 2020

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