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Company Response

17 Giu 2019

Louis Dreyfus

Response by Louis Dreyfus

Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) takes human rights issues extremely seriously, as part of its commitment to fair and sustainable value creation along the agricultural supply chain. It has policies and actions in place, often in partnership with specialist organizations like the International Labour Organization (ILO) and specific commodity experts like the Better Cotton Initiative, to ensure continuous improvement where issues may exist, including in the areas of human and labour rights.  

Our commitments and actions can be found in the public domain on our website, including regular reporting:

We are convinced that agricultural supply chain issues can only be solved through the collaboration of all the parties concerned: governments, companies, civil society and farmers themselves, and – although we are not farmers - we continue to work extensively to improve farmer practices and reduce poverty. Any specific allegations are investigated and  action taken, including termination of contracts when there is no change.

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