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Company Response

15 Set 2017


Response by Metalor

Thanks for contacting Metalor on this subject and giving us the opportunity to express our position regarding this matter...

  • Metalor does formally reject any allegation of slavery or force labour
  • Metalor neither had nor have any presence in Eritrea.
  • Metalor has not done any business with the Eritrean government
  • Metalor was supplied gold doré from a large and renowned Canadian publicly listed international mining company which was operating the Bisha mine in Eritrea.
  • The above supply of gold doré was limited to a short period of time in 2011 and 2012.
  • There were no restrictions/sanctions at that time from either the UN or the Swiss Government in that regard
  • Since that time Metalor has not  received any supply of precious metal whatsoever from Eritrea.
  • Because of the overall deterioration of the situation of that country in terms of human rights, Eritrea is blacklisted by Metalor.
  • Metalor has rejected several offers to be supplied from Eritrea. All such requests have been turn down due to compliance reasons.

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