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Company Response

26 Feb 2015


Response by Repsol

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Camisea Project, Peru – February 2015

Repsol has held a 10% interest in the Camisea Consortium since 2005. It is not the block operator. The Consortium, comprising six partners, has followed all the steps required by the government in order to obtain its environmental permits…In November 2012, the Consortium's operator presented an environmental impact assessment (EIA) … Aware of the sensitivities in this location, an early action process was put in place with the stakeholders, which was executed by the operating partner. Moreover, there is an Anthropological Contingency Plan in place…designed to preserve the current ways of life and culture of the affected populations. [It] is part of the…EIA and was approved by the Deputy Minister of Multiculturalism of the Ministry of Culture…Repsol is in permanent contact with the operating partner in its capacity as non‐block operator and minority partner in the Consortium. It has also shared its corporate responsibility standards as part of its due diligence efforts. To Repsol's best knowledge, no indigenous organization has begun legal processes to oppose the oil and gas activity.

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