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Company Response

8 Lug 2020


Response by Smithfield

[full response attached]

6 July

The report inaccurately states that our facility in Starachowice, Poland, temporarily closed. To clarify, while some areas of the facility were shut down for a short time, the facility continued to operate and remains operational. 

At the core of Smithfield’s COVID-19 response is an ongoing focus on employee health and safety, and continued adherence with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Inspection (SANEPID) guidance. Here is a list of the aggressive measures we have taken to protect our employees in our Poland facilities: 

- Adopted a series of stringent and detailed processes, protocols and protective measures that follow, and in many cases exceed governmental requirements 

- Boosted personal protective equipment (PPE) to include masks and face shields

- Installed plexiglass and other physical barriers on our production floor and in break rooms... 

- Implemented mass thermal scanning systems...

- Increased social distancing...

- Adjusted the start and end time of shifts

- Added abundant hand sanitizing stations 

- Enhanced cleaning and disinfection 

- Explicitly instructing employees not to report to work and recommending they contact a health care center or SANEPID if they are sick or exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms

- Requiring sick employees to stay home and isolate 

- Offering all quarantined employees paid leave equating to 80% of an average of the last 12 months’ salary...

- Offering paid leave for all employees age 60 or above and/or disabled and/or at higher risk for serious complications from COVID-19...

- Providing an extra governmental nursery care benefit...

- Instituted additional sanitary precautions and rented additional flats to support social distancing in areas where housing is provide...

Stressing importance of personal hygiene

Posted employee communications in multiple languages...

Sequenza temporale