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Company Response

14 Set 2020

Response by Xenophon Strategies

...We welcome the BHRRC’s inquiry because a recent story by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (to which you referred) was inaccurate in many respects. We can partially attribute those inaccuracies to the outlet’s failure to reach out to Xenophon for comment or an interview which we would have gladly given. Most importantly, the story fails to recognize and accept the dramatic reforms and significant changes that have taken place in Uzbekistan in less than four years and the commitment and actions of the Governmentto end the forced labour practice...The commitment of Uzbekistan to modernize the nation’s economy is profound and ending forced labour is a key part of that commitment. In fact, in 2020 the country built upon its past reforms and took additional meaningful actions to ensure that forced labour is permanently and completely eradicated...Xenophon Strategies works closely with Uzbekistan’s Export Promotion Agency to promote economic development and international trade to help create and support modern, well paying, jobs for millions of workers across Uzbekistan...

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