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31 Ott 2011

So. Africa: Report that Chinese mining firm demanded workers waive rights

On 31 Oct 2011, Business Day [So. Africa] published a news report, Chinese company asks for labour exemption in Aurora bid, that China Africa Precious Metals (CAPM), jointly owned by BEK Resources, Sipho Mkhize, Hettie Fourie and SSC Mandarin, was demanding that workers in South Africa waive their labour rights in its new agreement with Pamodzi Gold.  Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited the company to respond to this report.

SSC Mandarin responded on behalf of CAPM on 5 Dec 2011:  

"The article was factually incorrect and ill-informed at the time of publication and remains so. CAPM has already formally settled the way forward with the unions and is looking to constructive engagement in the future, based on mutual trust and goodwill.  By CAPM & SSC Mandarin Group"

The Resource Centre contacted the article's author and several people quoted in it, who stood by the content of the report.  The National Union of Mineworkers confirmed that the issue has been resolved and that the unions and CAPM have reached an agreement, including on workers’ rights

Company Responses

SSC Mandarin View Response

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