Stranded Nepali migrant workers in Malaysia returning home within a week: Nepal Embassy
Date Reported: 10 Gen 2023
Location: Malesia
PRS Forest Management - Employer , Triveni HR Solution - RecruiterAffected
Total individuals affected: 13
Migrant & immigrant workers: ( 13 - Nepal , Agriculture & livestock , Men , Unknown migration status )Issues
Wage Theft , Restricted mobilityResponse
Response sought: Yes, by Nepali Embassy in Malaysia
External link to response: (Find out more)
Source type: News outlet
Date Reported: 10 Gen 2023
Location: Malesia
Hong Tze Enterprise - Employer , Khoji Recruitment - RecruiterAffected
Total individuals affected: 2
Migrant & immigrant workers: ( 2 - Nepal , Agriculture & livestock , Men , Unknown migration status )Issues
Violence , Restricted mobilityResponse
Response sought: Yes, by Resource Centre
Story containing response: (Find out more)
Action taken: The Resource Centre invited both companies to respond to the allegations; the response from Hong Tze Enterprise can be read in full, Khoji Recruitment did not respond.
Source type: News outlet
... the embassy said out of 13 Nepali workers who were contracted for a company named PRS Forest Management (M) SDN. BHD., six are scheduled to return to Nepal on January 10 and the remaining seven workers will return to Nepal on January 13, 2023.
These workers had complained they were not paid salaries and perks as per the contract signed with the company. After receiving the complaints, the embassy had sent a letter to the manpower company Triveni HR Solution on December 25 and December 28, 2022. The company responded, assuring that the check out memo (exit pass), air tickets and food and stay facilities have been managed for all the 13 workers, according to the embassy.
Similarly, the embassy clarified that two out of 28 workers contracted for a poultry supply company named ‘Hong Tze Enterprise Sdn Bhd’ registered complaints that they were beaten by the company’s high ranking officials. These Nepalis came to Malaysia on September 8, 2022.
…The manpower company Khoji Recruitment had sent these workers to Malaysia.
The embassy said that the Malaysian Police arrested those who were involved in physical abuse of the Nepali workers after receiving the complaints.