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1 Ago 2004

Jonathan Birchall, Financial Times

The questions over aiding and abetting

Does a group of Burmese villagers have the right to take legal action in the US against a US oil company over alleged complicity in murder and forced labour in their home country? Unocal, the oil company, will shortly resume its efforts to persuade a federal appeals court in California that they do not...Lawyers representing the Burmese villagers in the Unocal case believe the complaints - of complicity in acts of murder, forced labour and rape - will be sufficient to bring the case to trial. [refers also to cases against ExxonMobil, Talisman, Shell, ChevronTexaco]

Part of the following timelines

ExxonMobil lawsuit (re Aceh)

Talisman lawsuit (re Sudan)

Apartheid reparations lawsuits (re So. Africa)

Unocal lawsuit (re Myanmar)