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Company Response

25 Gen 2019


Total's response

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to respond...

... Total E&P Norge AS (TEPN) was deeply saddened by the accident, loss of life and injuries sustained.

TEPN has received the open letter referred in the press release published on November 29, 2018 and has addressed a written answer to the Samsung Heavy Industries Martin Linge Project Crane Accident Workers Support team and the Korean Transnational Corporations Watch.

In the contractual relationship which was established between Samsung Heavy Industries Co. Ltd (SHI) and TEPN, acting as operator on behalf of the Martin Linge Unit, SHI is responsible for the activities conducted at its yard, including for ensuring that such activities are performed in a lawful and safe manner.

The legal proceedings following this accident are still ongoing and considering that TEPN is no longer operator nor partner in the Martin Linge Unit, it would not be appropriate for TEPN to comment on circumstances at SHI’s yard, but Total trusts that SHI, subcontractors of SHI and the local authorities are providing local employees with sufficient follow-up in compliance with applicable law...

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