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Company Response

6 Mag 2024

Traco Power

Traco Power response

Our DC/DC converters are electronic components which serve the low-voltage power supply of civilian industrial applications and do not appear in any dual-use regulations. Our components are industrial mass-produced goods and are definitely not intended, let alone approved, by us for military use. Our products are available for civilian industrial applications worldwide as shelf goods through electronics web stores, specialty distributors as well as over the counter. Until the onset of sanctions, Traco Power supplied these goods exclusively to the Russian market through closely managed and monitored authorized distributors.

As of February 28, 2022, our company immediately suspended all shipments and business relationships to Russia, including those through third party countries. Traco Power products, which have been used for any purpose in Russia, including used in Russian armament material, cannot originate from our company or our authorized sales channels to Russia since February 28, 2022, the period when sanctions went into effect.

Embargoed countries, sanctioned persons, and organizations as well as export controls have always been handled according to our Embargo Policy and our Dual-Use Declaration. Our company always keeps itself informed about its obligations, Traco Power conscientiously and strictly complies with all applicable regulations, embargoes, and sanctions.

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