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16 Apr 2020

Nick Webster, The National (UAE)

UAE: Wages further delayed to Alco Shipping workers as labour courts close under quarantine; incl. co. comments

See all tags Allegations

"Coronavirus: Forgotten sailors stranded at sea face long wait to return home," 15 Apr 2020

Food, fuel and water is running out on the Panama flagged Mt Iba... belonging to Sharjah-based Alco Shipping...

Collectively, [the five crew] are owed $164,625 (Dh604,744) in outstanding pay dating back to 2017.

A deal was close to being agreed to auction the $5 million (Dh18m) vessel that would have covered crew salaries and repatriation costs.

Closed courts and quarantine measures have left the Mt Iba marooned at its anchorage almost four miles off Hamriya Port, just north of Dubai...

“We have been trying to sell the Iba for two years...

“As soon as the ship is sold, the crew will get their salaries” [said co. representative Waqar Ijaz Hasan].

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