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23 Set 2020

UN Working Group on Business & Human Rights

UN Working Group on Business & Human Rights launches open call for inputs to UNGPs10+ project

The project’s consultation process is being carried out in collaboration with OHCHR, UNDP, and others. The UNWG seeks to hear perspectives from a wide range of stakeholders from all regions...

All interested stakeholders are invited to:

  • Respond via the “Have your say!” written input form to help inform the stocktaking exercise and the roadmap for the next decade. Deadline: 30 November 2020.
  • Share brief summaries (2 pages) of relevant materials (e.g., reports, research, other relevant publications). Deadline: ongoing basis until end of February 2021...

Questions addressed to all stakeholders are:

(1) Where has progress taken place in UNGPs implementation over the course of the last decade? What are the promising developments and practices (by governments, businesses, international organizations, civil society organizations, etc.) that can be built on?

(2) Where do gaps and challenges remain? What has not worked to date?

(3) What are key obstacles (both visible and hidden), drivers, and priorities that need to be addressed to achieve fuller realization of the UNGPs?

(4) What systemic or structural challenges need to be tackled to realize sustainable development based on respect for human rights?

(5) In concrete terms, what will be needed in order to achieve meaningful progress with regard to those obstacles and priority areas? What are actionable and measurable targets for key actors in terms of meeting the UNGPs’ expectations over the coming years?

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