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25 Feb 2014

Agence Ecofin dans Investir au Cameroun

Une charte de sécurité pour les 1000 ouvriers du chantier du barrage de Memvé’élé, après un accident mortel [Cameroun]

The Chinese company Sinohydro has just written a safety charter, which was immediately distributed to 800 Cameroonian workers and 200 Chinese workers employed on the construction site of the dam Memve'ele in Southeast Cameroon region ... This decision to design a safety charter and put at the disposal of the workers came after an accident that claimed the life of young Pascal gogy February 3, 2014, when it was transferred to the Ebolowa Regional Hospital. Indeed ... this welder died from electrocution while he connected two pipes underneath a newly concreted surface on which his colleagues poured water. Apart from the safety charter, Sinohydro company had to strengthen medical coverage on the site to promote urgent taken care of before any transfers to hospitals, just as it changed the water circuits and electricity, to make them fully independent.