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Company Response

8 Apr 2019

Vale (Brazil)

Vale response

Rio de Janeiro, April 8th, 2019

…[W]e deeply regret the event. We ensure you efforts are not being measured in order to adequately assist the families of the victims and the affected communities as well as to ensure the safety of our operations and the non-repetition of this event…Vale adopted a set of measures after the Fundao dam break in Mariana, in 2015, aiming to prevent the occurrence of a similar event in its direct operations. Even though Fundao was operated by SAMARCO – a joint-venture of Vale itself and BHP Billiton – Vale could observe and learn lessons with the event and about the tragedy...Vale has revised its structured dam management system which encompasses technical and governance measures…[I]nvestments were made for the improvement of processes seeking...the best operational techniques and technologies in order to ensure the stability of the structures…[F]rom 2015 to 2019 Vale has applied around 5 billion Brazilian reais in dam maintenance and health and safety…Fundacao Renova was created under the observance of a public agreement among SAMARCO, Vale, BHP and public bodies…[It]...has...spent 745 million Brazilian reais in the Mediated Indemnifications Program and other 845 mi on Emergency Financial Support...Regarding the humanitarian immediate assistance and the integral reparation to the persons affected in Brumadinho Vale has set up...a wide response….[T]he use of water of the…[Paraopeba]...river was contraindicated from Brumadinho to Retiro Baixo Hydroelectric Power Plan Dam...Vale has been offering potable water…[and]...has provided – apart from any future indemnification – donations to the families ...[and]...transportation and accommodation...[T]wo Extraordinary Independent Consulting Committees were created to report directly to the Board of Directors to be “external independent members, with unblemished reputation and with experience in the subjects of their respective occupations”...Vale has widely collaborated with all investigations...Vale is in constant dialog and open to contributions and inquiries from any shareholders and stakeholders including NGOs and social movements…[and]...invites all interested parties to follow the updates on the...website…[and]...future publications of reports in the investigations conducted by the independent committees…[I[t remains committed to the safety of the operational structures, focused in the care and support to the affected families and open to investigations and requests of information...

This is a response to

BHP & Vale lawsuit (re dam collapse in Brazil, filed in Brazil)

Lawsuit 17 Nov 2015

Part of the following timelines

Brazil: 86 NGOs write to business partners & investors of Vale, raising concerns about human rights violations related to the Brumadinho dam disaster

BHP & Vale lawsuit (re dam collapse in Brazil, filed in Brazil)