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30 Giu 2020

MENA Rights Group

Yemen: Emirati forces accused of torture in gas liquefaction plant controlled by Total

'Yemeni national secretly detained and tortured by Emirati forces in Balhaf', June 18, 2020

A Yemeni national … was subjected to torture and ill-treatment, by Emirati forces, inside secret detention centres across the Shabwah governorate, Yemen, in 2018. The victim was detained for two weeks inside the Balhaf coalition base located inside a gas liquefaction plant, in which the French company Total holds substantial interests… The reported human rights violations fall within the context of the Yemeni civil war…

On May 18, 2018, the victim went to Yemen to visit relatives residing in Ataq. After crossing the border between Saudi Arabia and Yemen, he was arrested by gunmen loyal to the Emirati armed forces at a checkpoint in Shubeika. Following his abduction, he was detained in various detention facilities that are under the direct control of the Emirati armed forces… The victim was detained in Balhaf for 17 days, during which he was questioned by Emirati officers about alleged ties with AQAP, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and the Al Islah party…  The Balhaf coalition base, where the victim was detained incommunicado, is located inside the Balhaf gas liquefaction plant, which is operated by Yemen LNG…  Total owns nearly 40% of Yemen LNG...