33 B Corp CEOs call for Business Roundtable leaders to put words into action by adopting benefit corporation governance structures
As the co-founders of the B Corp movement wrote for Fast Company in response to the announcement, “It’s a significant sign of our shifting culture that the country’s largest corporations and the organization representing their interests are revising their definition of the purpose of the corporation from profit maximization to leading their companies ‘for the benefit of all stakeholders — customers, employees, suppliers, communities and shareholders.’”... In The New York Times on August 25, 33 B Corp CEOs called for the business leaders of the Business Roundtable to put their words into action by adopting benefit corporation governance structures.
"... We operate with a better model of corporate governance — benefit corporation governance — which gives us, and could give you, a way to combat short-termism and the freedom to make decisions to balance profit and purpose... with continued resistance from investors on this new definition of business, we’ve got work to do to help them see that stakeholder governance builds trust and builds value. Let's work together to make real change happen."