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Prensa Latina (Cuba)

Bolivia: Plans revealed to increase trade and transport links with Peru

“Bolivia considers Peru a Key Partner for Regional Trade”, 27th July 2019

…The Government of Bolivia considers Peru a key partner for trade development and unity in the region through projects such as the Bioceanic Rail Corridor, said Benjamin Blanco, Vice Minister of Trade and Integration. He described…the strategy applied by the Andean Amazon nation to promote exports to Lima and, in the bioceanic train project, its participation is important for the exit to the Pacific Ocean through the port of Ilo, during an act the day before in the city of La Paz for the 198 years of Peruvian independence. Blanco highlighted the periodic high-level meetings between presidents, ministers of state and officials from various sectors of Bolivia and Peru for the coordination and implementation of projects in different areas, mainly to increase the transport of cargo through the port facility. On the other hand, the Peruvian ambassador here, Jorge Lazaro, announced that they allocated $26 million for the modernization of the port of Ilo and depth measurement work to build the next wave breaker. The flow of Bolivian cargo through the port of Ilo reached 60,000 tons in the first seven months of 2019, a growth of 420 percent more than in the same period last year, according to the Administration of Port Services of Bolivia…