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Zheping Huang, Quartz

China: A year after Tianjin blast, public mourning & discussion about it are still censored

"A year after the Tianjin blast, public mourning and discussion about it are still censored in China", 12 Aug 2016

The Tianjin warehouse explosion [on Aug.12 last year]…took a heavy toll on the country. More than 170 were dead or missing, over 300 buildings were damaged, and 10,000 cars were decimated. The total economic loss stands at $1.1 billion…

One year on, the Tianjin blasts remain a deeply sensitive issue for Chinese authorities. About 10 family members of two firefighter victims were arrested by police when they appeared at the blast site to mourn…[on] Aug. 12… A group of home owners…protested at the scene to demand the government renovate their damaged apartments… A…report …in commemoration of the event by financial magazine Caijing has also been censored…

Part of the following timelines

China: Explosions at Tianjin Ruihai Intl. Logistics warehouse kill over 100
