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Laura Clewes, Ogilvy HealthPR

New Report Showcases Top Business' Solutions to Tackle Depression in the Workplace

A group of major European employers today launch a report featuring fresh insights into the fight against depression in the workplace…BT Group plc, Deutsche Post DHL, H. Lundbeck A/S, Ogilvy [part of WPP] and Unilever have publicly shared information on their mental health policies in a bid to improve management of depression by employers across Europe...The featured companies in the report are all members of the Advisory Group to Target Depression in the Workplace, an initiative set up to advise and support human resources professionals across Europe on the management of depression among their employees..."By taking action now, we can preserve the future wellbeing of workers and their families, as well as deliver benefits to employers and the economy." [said Bill Wilkerson, Chair of Target Depression in the Workplace]...[Also refers to Barclays, Luxottica, Nature Publishing Group, Royal Mail Group]