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Russia: Former subsidiary of Leroy Merlin starts rebranding under new local management

Leroy Merlin's former Russian arm rebrands as Lemana PRO, 18 June 2024

The former Russian arm of French DIY retailer Leroy Merlin, now under local management...was rebranding itself Lemana PRO.

Leroy Merlin parent company ADEO announced the ownership transfer in March 2023, part of a mass exodus of Western firms from Russia following its invasion of Ukraine.

Scenari Holding, a Dubai-based firm, purchased Leroy Merlin's Russian entity, Russia's Interfax news agency reported in December 2023.

It employs 45,000 people and operates 112 stores specialising in tools and goods for home improvement projects.

"Last year, operational control was transferred to the current management," the Russian firm said...

In March 2024, the company's legal name was changed from Leroy Merlin Vostok to LE MONLID, it said.

ADEO declined to comment.

Lemana PRO said its rebranding would occur in stages, with the first stores updated by the end of this year and the full rebranding scheduled in 2025.

"Today, the company sets itself the task of winning the market of professional clients, while maintaining leadership in the B2C segment," the company said.