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2023년 10월 24일

Anjali Raguraman & Gabrielle Chan, The Straits Times (Singapore)

36-year-old construction worker installing solar panels in Tuas dies after falling from roof

모든 태그 보기 혐의

A Bangladeshi construction worker who was installing solar panels fell from the roof of a workshop in Tuas on Sunday and later died from his injuries.

A Ministry of Manpower (MOM) spokesman said the 36-year-old man fell from a height of 10m through a skylight, which is built into a roof to allow light in...

The MOM spokesman said the worker was taken from 12 Tuas South Street 2 to National University Hospital, where he died.

He said: “As a general safety measure, work-at-height fall prevention measures – such as the use of travel restraints and fall arrest systems – must be communicated to the workers involved and implemented on-site.”

MOM has instructed Energetix, the occupier of the worksite, to stop all work-at-height activities there, and it is investigating the incident. The employer of the worker is BBG Electrical Engineering, the spokesman said.

The Migrant Workers’ Centre (MWC) said on Tuesday that BBG Electrical Engineering is arranging for the worker’s body to be sent back to his family in Bangladesh...

MWC executive director Michael Lim said: “We are ready to assess and address any urgent needs and assistance required. We recognise the significant impact such incidents can have on the livelihoods of the families involved, and we remain dedicated to providing a helping hand during times of crisis.”

He said MWC acknowledges the emotional toll the accident can have on other workers who were there when it happened and it will offer them counselling services through partner organisations when the need arises.

Sunday’s accident brings the total number of reported workplace deaths since the start of 2023 to at least 21...
