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2011년 9월 28일

Compiled by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

Allegations of pollution in Apple's supply chain in China

On 31 Augst 2011, a group of Chinese environmental NGOs...released..."The Other Side of Apple II: Pollution Spreads through Apple's Supply Chain" alleging that Apple...continues to use Chinese suppliers that are known to cause serious pollution in Chinese water bodies. The report, follows the coalition's first report on Apple...issued in January 2011, which focused on labour as well as environmental concerns...Ma Jun...claims that since the release of the first report "Apple’s behaviour hasn't improved at all"...IPE released two videos...with interviews of people allegedly harmed by Apple's suppliers...On 26 August IPE sent a letter to Apple. On 31 August, the day of the release of the Apple II report, Bill Frederick, Vice President of Apple Supplier Responsibility, sent an email reponse to IPE. The same day IPE sent its reply to Bill Frederick. Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Apple to respond to these items...[A] spokesperson...referred us to their Supplier Responsibility report (Feb 2011)

다음 타임라인의 일부

China: NGO releases videos of people who say they were harmed by pollution from Apple's suppliers - in interview director Ma Jun says Apple has "not improved at all"

Latest concerns re Apple supply chain - Jan-Feb 2012

Allegations of pollution in Apple's supply chain in China - Sep 2011