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2011년 1월 24일

National Labor Committee

[full report] Ocean Sky Sweatshop In El Salvador: Women Paid Just 8 Cents For Each $25 NFL Shirt They Sew

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The 1,500 mostly women workers at Ocean Sky are locked in a Free Zone, surrounded by barbed wire and patrolled by guards armed with shotguns. Ocean Sky also produces garments for Reebok, Puma, Old Navy (GAP), Columbia, Talbots and Penguin (Munsingwear). The clothing enters the U.S. duty-free, despite the fact that El Salvador is in blatant violation of the labor rights standards in the U.S.-Central America Free Trade Agreement. Workers report being drenched in their own sweat, since afternoon factory temperatures reach 98 degrees Fahrenheit. Workers are constantly cursed at and humiliated...Factory drinking water is filthy and contaminated with fecal coli which can cause diarrhea, intestinal illness and infections. Six workers were fired for daring to alert their colleagues that the factory water was unsafe to drink.
