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소송 (대중 참여를 위한 전략적 소송)

2021년 3월 1일

Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC)


소송을 제기한 날짜
2021년 3월 1일
날짜 정확도
연도 및 달 일치
적용 불가
Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC)
Human rights group
소송: 대중 참여에 대한 전략적 소송
법적 주장: Defamation
다음에 의해 소송 제기: Company
목표: 집단, 기구 또는 기관
제소 위치: 케냐
사건 위치: 케냐
Kakuzi 케냐 농업 및 가축 기업 응답


In March 2021, Kakuzi PLC sued Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) and Ndula Resource Centre (NRC) over a press statement issued by the two organizations on 14 February 2021. The press statement was released after the compensation news came out regarding a costly settlement before the London High Court over alleged atrocities, against community members, ranging from killing(s), assault, and rape in the hands of Kakuzi guards. KHRC and NRC have been involved in advocacy campaigns against Kakuzi following reports by aggrieved workers and communities. The KHRC and NRC later partnered with Leigh Day, a leading UK law firm, to bring a legal suit against Kakuzi in the United Kingdom jurisdiction against Camellia PLC, Kakuzi’s parent company. In the lawsuit, Kakuzi alleges that KHRC and NRC have violated its right to a fair trial and that the statement issued on February 14 is untrue and that it has damaged Kakuzi’s reputation and that of its shareholders and partners. Kakuzi is seeking to compel the two organizations to withdraw the press statement and issue a public apology. The KHRC and NRC have stated that the suit by Kakuzi is a strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) intended to intimidate the two organizations. We invited the company to respond; it did. A rejoinder from the organization is available here.