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2022년 7월 15일

Myanmar: Garment worker allegedly dismissed after being physically assaulted by supervisor; incl. co. responses

In May 2022, it was reported that GTIG EASTAR Garment factory had fired a worker who had been physically assaulted by her supervisor.

In June 2022, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited C&A, KIABI, Lidl, OVS SpA and Tesco to respond.

C&A said it did not produce any new goods in Myanmar in May 2022. KIABI said it did not have any production at the factory at the time of the incident, and its last order was in February 2021. Lidl said it has had no business relationship with the factory since September 2021. OVS SpA said the factory has not been a supplier for OVS SpA since December 2020. Tesco said it has exited its Myanmar suppliers, a process which concluded in Spring 2022. The full responses are included below.

In September 2024, Calliope and HK Works London did not respond to a request for comment from the Resource Centre. Inditex stated it does not source from any factory or supplier in Myanmar. LPP did not respond to the allegation.
