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2022년 8월 24일

Doha News (Qatar),
20 Minutes avec AFP

Qatar deports migrant workers after protest over unpaid salaries

Qatar has been praised worldwide for its labour reforms, however some violations still remain.

Sixty workers were arrested after taking to the streets to protest six months of unpaid work in Qatar, according to Migrant Rights.

“A number of protesters were detained for breaching public security laws. As this remains an ongoing investigation, details on individual cases cannot be disclosed,” a Qatari government official said in a statement sent to Doha News.

In an interview with Doha News last month, employees at Al Bandary Engineering, Trading and Contracting, said they were not paid for more than seven months. More than 208 employees submitted a complaint to the Ministry of Labour, the workers told Doha News.

Photos and footage seen by Doha News have shown similar scenes of protest by employees of the same company on several occasions over the last few months.

However, it is believed that Al Bandary has been dissolved...
