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2023년 3월 14일

Shirley Lin, Radio Taiwan Intl

Taiwan: Migrant fishers ask for better labour rights and Wi-Fi access

Migrant workers on Taiwanese fishing vessels are campaigning for fundamental labor rights and Wi-Fi access while at sea. Several domestic and foreign NGO groups arrived in Boston [...] and staged peaceful demonstrations at Seafood Expo North America.

The NGO groups have been meeting with several US officials to ensure that US-Taiwan trade initiative discussions include labor rights for fishers. They hope the discussion will include a clause prohibiting imports of forced labor products. Once signed, Taiwan would have to make amendments to current labor laws.

In 2022, the US Department of Labor included Taiwanese seafood products on the "List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor" for the second time. Taiwan has the world’s second largest distant water fleet and the majority of the crew are migrant workers. They are often at sea for up to a year without access to Wi-Fi, which the NGOs say is essential for the mental health of workers and their families.

다음 타임라인의 일부

Taiwan: Indonesian workers allege wage withholding & mistreatment on You Fu fishing vessel; company denies deliberate delay

Taiwan: Indonesian workers allege wage withholding & mistreatment on You Fu fishing vessel; company denies deliberate delay