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  • 커피, 레스토랑 및 바, 호텔
  • 영국

  • Whitbread plc is a hotel and restaurant company headquartered in the United Kingdom. Its largest subsidiary is Premier Inn, which is the largest hotel brand in the UK with over 785 hotels. It also owns and operates hotels in Ireland, UAE, Qatar and Germany. Whitbread's other brands include the restaurant chains Beefeater, Brewers Fayre and Table Table

리소스센터로부터 ? 이 섹션은 리소스센터에서 기록한 기업 행동에 대한 간략한 스냅샷입니다. 우리는 학대 혐의를 기록하고, 기업 응답, 소송 프로필, 기업 문제를 해결하는 옹호자에 대한 공격을 기록합니다.

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응답 요청

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인권옹호자에 대한 공격

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소송 프로필

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Human Rights Policy ? Company policy describing its approach and commitment to human rights

Supplier Code of Conduct ? Company policy describing its engagement with suppliers or business partners on human and labour rights standards.

Member of Sustainable Hospitality Alliance ? The Sustainable Hospitality Alliance is a multi-stakeholder initiative focused on improving human rights, youth employment and water stewardship, and taking climate action in the hotel industry.

The Code ? The Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism is a multi-stakeholder initiative. Companies can become members of the Code, committing to six action criteria to keep children safe in the industry.

2021 Qatar hotels survey responder? ? Answers to our latest survey show brands are not taking sufficient action to prevent migrant worker abuse in Qatar's hotels

기업과인권리소스센터 프로젝트: 걸프 호텔 설문조사 행위 ?

Information in this section obtained through company survey responses, public statements and/or policies. Implementation of actions not verified by suppliers, workers, HRDs or affected communities.

기업과인권리소스센터 프로젝트: 걸프 호텔 설문조사 트래커

Whitbread: Migrant hotel workers in the Gulf

Whitbread: Migrant hotel workers in the Gulf

출처: BHRRC survey 가져온 스냅샷: 2017년 4월 27일 12:44 오후
전체 자료 보기

Survey Response

Whitbread: Migrant hotel workers in the Gulf

출처: BHRRC survey 가져온 스냅샷: 2022년 7월 12일 3:50 오후
전체 자료 보기

Survey Response

Whitbread: Migrant hotel workers in the Gulf

출처: BHRRC survey 가져온 스냅샷: 2018년 11월 1일 4:35 오후
전체 자료 보기

Survey Response

Whitbread: Migrant hotel workers in the Gulf

출처: BHRRC survey 가져온 스냅샷: 2021년 7월 14일 9:15 오전
전체 자료 보기

Survey Response

관련 있는 국가

Whitbread has been referenced in news articles and reports on our website.

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기업 본사

분쟁 지역의 기업 언급 (기사, 보고, 뉴스 등)

분쟁 지역의 기업 본사

추가 자료

Global Framework Agreement