미쓰이부동산(Mitsui Fudosan) 응답
May 29, 2024
Details on UN Working Group Report
...A United Nations Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises released its report on May 27, 2024 in which it stated that, “the Working Group expresses serious apprehension in particular over reports of inadequate public consultation in environmental impact assessment processes, especially for large-scale development schemes. One case raised by stakeholders is the Jingu Gaien District Urban Redevelopment Project, which could result in adverse human rights impacts.” On the following day (May 28, 2024), the government of Japan released its comments on the report, and urged the deletion of the associated paragraph in its entirety.
In carrying out the Jingu Gaien District Urban Redevelopment Project (the “Project”), the developers have been properly following procedures in accordance with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance, and have furthermore participated in a total of 12 meetings of the Environmental Impact Assessment Council and similar forums, conducting briefings and Q&A sessions in public, including face-to-face and online formats, which exceeds the usual number of such meetings and includes meetings held subsequent to submission of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report. In addition, the developers have held a total of nine briefing sessions as required for urban planning procedures stipulated under ordinances and other rules, along with discretionary briefing sessions. The developers have also held individual briefings for local community associations, schools and other such entities upon request.
Since July 2023, a question submission page on the project website has been available to everyone with no limitations on the subject matter. A total of 410 question submissions have been received as of May 29, 2024. The project developers have furnished replies to the questions and posted them to the project website.
As of the present, as developers, we have responded to various media, provided information on the project website, responded to questions and disclosed information, and held information sessions for local residents to properly convey the project plan and have focused on ensuring it is understood. At the same time, the methods for providing information have been various, and we understand that misunderstandings may have arisen as a result of inadequate communication of details. It is important that such communication be ongoing and we will continue to work to actively provide information in seeking to ensure that people gain a better understanding of the Project.