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인권옹호자에 대한 공격

2023년 12월 18일

24 Återställ Våtmarker activists

사건 날짜
2023년 12월 18일
적용 불가
Återställ Våtmarker (Restore Wetlands)
임의 구금
목표: 개인
사건 위치: 스웨덴
기타 행위자


In Sweden, about two dozen members of the Återställ Våtmarker (Restore Wetlands) group were convicted of sabotage for blocking highways in the capital, Stockholm. Others were held on remand for up to four weeks for taking part in protests.

Restore Wetlands is an association of people, who through peaceful resistance intend to force the Swedish government to ban peat mining and restore wetlands.