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2024년 6월 14일

Mainichi Japan,
The Asahi Shimbun

Japan: New training and employment system for foreign workers passed by Diet, aims to pay more attention to rights of workers & ease job changing rules

"Japan's new foreign labor system aims to make it top amid regional, int'l hiring scramble," 14 June 2024

Laws including the establishment of a new "training and employment" system to replace Japan's highly criticized three-decade-old foreign trainee program were passed by the Diet...

The new training and employment system that is expected to take effect in 2027 aims to foster foreign workers to achieve the specified skills visa level over three years once they've entered the country. Meanwhile, more attention will be paid to their rights as workers, and rules on job-changing are being eased to allow transfers over the course of one to two years. The retention of this workforce is an issue that will persist under the new system...
