Ahold Delhaize's response
Ahold Delhaize recognizes migrant workers as a vulnerable group in supply chains
worldwide, particularly in agriculture, and takes reports of abuse very seriously. Ahold
Delhaizeโs commitment to address issues and support human rights is outlined in the
Position on Human Rights, available on the website. In response to reports of human
rights issues in their dairy supply chain, Hannaford engaged in a thorough due diligence review
Access to remedy is an important aspect of an effective human rights due diligence
process. Ahold Delhaizeโs grievance mechanism is called the Speak Up Line, and is free
and accessible online and by phone, 24 hours per day, seven days per week, in the
local languages of the countries in which the brands operate through a confidential and secure service hosted by a third party, NAVEX. It is effectively used by thousands of
associates on an annual basis, and Ahold Delhaize continuously improves the system
based on user engagement and feedback. You can read more about the Speak Up Line
in the Human Rights Report 2022 (page 37-39). While the Speak Up Line is also
accessible to third parties, Ahold Delhaize recognizes that it is more difficult for those
working in supply chains to find and access these resources. That is why Ahold
Delhaize also expects suppliers to establish adequate complaint mechanisms and to
ensure no retaliation, as outlined in its Standards of Engagement. Ahold Delhaize also
works with industry organizations and standardโs committees, including amfori BSCI and others, to promote the provision of effective grievance mechanisms by its suppliers.
Full response included below.