México: La Corte Suprema de EE. UU. decidirá sobre la demanda del gobierno mexicano contra fabricantes de armas
이용 가능한 언어: español -
USA: Supreme Court appears poised to block Mexico's lawsuit against US gun manufacturers, according to journalists
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Mexico: Federal Judge orders continuation of lawsuit Initiated by Mexican government against 5 gun dealers in Arizona
US Supreme court will decide whether to block a $10bn lawsuit Mexico filed against gun manufacturers for alleged negligent and illegal commercial practices
이용 가능한 언어: English -
US judge dismissed claims against six of the eight gunmakers Mexico sued for allegedly facilitating the trafficking of firearms to violent drug cartels
이용 가능한 언어: English -
US appeals court revives Mexico's $10bn lawsuit against gunmakers
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Mexico: International Commission of Jurists and Due Process of Law Foundation submit opinion on corporate responsibility and private firearm ownership to Inter-American Court of Human Rights
이용 가능한 언어: English -
México: Gobierno podría acudir ante la Corte Suprema de EEUU en el caso contra empresas fabricantes de armas
이용 가능한 언어: español -
Mexico: Gov. urges US court to revive lawsuit seeking to hold gun manufacturers responsible for facilitating the trafficking of weapons
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Inter-American Court of Human Rights: México requested an Advisory Opinion on the international responsibility of firearms manufacturers
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Mexico launches appeal in suit against US gun manufacturers
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Mexico appeals dismissal of lawsuit against US-based gun manufacturers
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Appellant Estados Unidos Mexicanos' Brief in United States Court of Appeals against firearms manufacturers
이용 가능한 언어: English -
México: Gobierno presenta ante la Corte IDH una solicitud de Opinión Consultiva sobre las actividades de empresas privadas de armas y sus efectos en los derechos humanos
이용 가능한 언어: español -
Notice of Appeal by Estados Unidos Mexicanos in Estados Unidos Mexicanos v. Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. Case, D. Massachusetts
이용 가능한 언어: English -
México: Gobierno de México demanda por segunda vez a empresas fabricantes de armas en EEUU
이용 가능한 언어: español -
Mexico files 2nd lawsuit against arms dealers in US
이용 가능한 언어: English -
US Judge Dismisses Mexico Lawsuit Against Gun Manufacturers
US judge expected to rule any day on gun companies' request to dismiss Mexican Govt. negligence lawsuit against them
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Mexico: With gun violence on the rise, importance of lawsuit against arms companies is recalled
이용 가능한 언어: English -
USA: Gun manufacturers to ask judge to dismiss $10 billion lawsuit by Mexican Govt. over facilitating trafficking of guns to drug cartels
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Norteamérica: Empresas armamentísticas de Estados Unidos expondrán sus argumentos en la demanda interpuesta por el Gobierno mexicano por su responsabilidad en la situación de seguridad del país
이용 가능한 언어: español -
Norteamérica: Aceptación de responsabilidad legal de la empresa de armas Remington Arms por tiroteo podría beneficiar al caso de México contra ocho armeros estadounidenses
이용 가능한 언어: español -
América: Procuradores estatales y fiscales de cuatro países se unen como "amigos de la corte" en demanda contra empresas de armas
이용 가능한 언어: español -
Estados Unidos: Activistas de diversos estados de ese país apoyan la demanda de México contra las empresas fabricantes de armamentos por su responsabilidad en la criminalidad y la violencia
이용 가능한 언어: español -
Several USA states, along with Antigua and Barbuda and Belize, support Mexico’s lawsuit against USA gun makers
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Amicus Brief Supporting Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss: Estados Unidos Mexicanos v. Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc., et al.
이용 가능한 언어: English -
México: Corte de Distrito de Massachusetts conocerá demanda civil interpuesta por responsabilidad de empresas fabricantes y distribuidoras de armas sobre la situación de seguridad en el país
이용 가능한 언어: español -
México: Estado presenta demanda a Corte de EE.UU. señalando a 11 productoras y distribuidoras de armas de promover prácticas comerciales "negligentes e ilícitas, que facilitan el tráfico ilegal"
이용 가능한 언어: español -
Mexican Government sues six gun manufacturers in US court over alleged negligence and targeting sales at criminals
이용 가능한 언어: English -
Regional: Gobierno mexicano interpone demanda contra empresas fabricantes de armas en Estados Unidos por su rol en el aumento de inseguridad en el país
이용 가능한 언어: español
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